Black Lives Matter

BlackLivesMatter Chapter 2: The US media takes to twitter in ...

In the last two weeks, I have been learning and educating myself about the racial divide that exists all over the world, but has really taken center stage in America. I was very ignorant and I will admit was one of the people saying

” All Lives Matter”

I am now ashamed I was not more informed  and ignorant about the issues Black  people face. Being brown, I also could fall into the Black category, but have never faced systemic racism that African Americans have to suffer at the hands of government or justice systems or neighborhoods.The system has been set up for them to fail.

Google: What is Redlining

Yes my family have faced racial remarks, my accent being mocked at and “jokes” about illegal immigrates or the famous question, ” How come your English is so good?” But this is nothing compared to what Black lives face.

Black Lives Matter was founded by three women who popularized the slogan during protests over the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin, an African-American teen who was shot by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was acquitted of second degree murder and manslaughter.The Black Lives Matter movement began with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media, and grew into a nationwide movement in response to the use of excessive force by police, particularly against black men.

#Alllives matter has now come to be associated with people who oppose the BLM movement, downplaying racism and devaluing Black lives. We cannot trivialize what is happening to them. According to a 2015 study, 7.2 African Americans per million died at the hands of the police – while 2.9 per million white Americans were killed by the police. Black people in America are also disproportionately likely to be incarcerated and suffer police brutality. Black people also find it harder to get loans, secure great jobs and climb the corporate ladder

Take a look at this Stanford Graduate School of Business study which is an eye opener for sure and shows diversity( or lack thereof) in American Fortune 500 companies.

and if you are still not sure about what to think of believe , this powerful Netflix documentary will educate you.

13th (film) - Wikipedia

Here is what you can do:

Take responsibility for educating yourself and having difficult conversations about racism, keep listening and learning

Protest – peaceful protest does bring about  change and we have seen reforms come in the last few weeks after the killing of George Floyd. Companies are reevaluating hiring processes and looking into salary inequality.

Use your white  privilege the right way

Sign a petition

Watch stream to donate videos

Vote for government that believes and supports racial equality

Above all else, be kind, empathetic  and love every human.




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